All My Fantasy Children Wiki

Episode - Squash Cornfield: Chef des Ténèbres


Aaron: "Um, a verbal hug this week,

Jeff: "I got one."

Aaron: "Hit me!"

Jeff: "You can be the best at what you do, you can truly feel you're the best at what you can do, but, to believe that for selfish reasons is to consume and I think the purest, I think the way to break the cycle of the locust is by sharing, is by sharing your gifts with the people around you. Squash would have never become a locust had he stayed true sharing art with the people that he cares about and like doing things selfishly is a road to locust, is the road of the locust. Take care of each other, Support each other. Share with each other and we can all get out of Grasshopper City alive."

Aaron: "Yeah, I agree."


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